Academic planning & Academic audit.
To monitor the individual staff work load fixed by the departments. Allocation of lecture halls, laboratory slots without any overlapping etc., effectively.
To analyze the University results every semester, sorting out problems, suggesting remedial measures for implementation to improve the result.
To monitor the process of teaching, training and testing activities regularly.
To send proposals to AICTE, UGC etc., for continuation of approval / introduction of new courses.
To co-ordinate among the departments to apply for various schemes/grants to AICTE, UGC etc.,
To arrange and conduct various seminars, workshops, guest lecturers short term courses, competitions etc., in each department independently based on the prescribed norms and guide lines with periodical review.
To provide a calendar to each students containing some of the basic and necessary information on the present status, facilities and strength of the various departments of the Institution including scheduled working days for the academic year.
To discuss and finalize necessary rules, norms and guidelines to carryout various activities/programs for the effective and smooth functioning of the institute
To motivate all departments and sections to have long term / short term budgets to improve and develop the various planned activities of the departments /section.
To discuss and finalize the curricular, co- curricular and extracurricular activities to be carried out in each department in each semester