विभाग गतिविधियाँ
शैक्षणिक वर्ष 2020-2021
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Data Analysis for Management Decisions using Excel and SPSS for the students of II year MBA from 01.02.2021 to 06.02.2021.Mr.U.M.Gopal Krishna, Asst Prof., Dept of MBA, SREC, is the resource person for this program.
The Dept organised an Add-On Program on Online Trading by Using Fundamental and Technical Analysis for the students of II year MBA from 22.04.2021 to 27.04.2021. Mr. K. Rajendra Prasad, Asst Prof, Dept of MBA, SREC is the resource person for this program.
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to to Damodar Oil Mill, Kurnool on 25-03-2021 for the I sem students of MBA (2020Batch).
The Dept organised a One-day seminar on Professional Ethics for the faculty, staff members of SREC on 20.01.2021. Prof.M.L.Sai Kumar garu is the speaker for this seminar.
The Dept organised One-day Career Guidance program on Job Opportunities in Public and Private Sectors for MBA gtaduates on 16.02.2021. Mr. K. Naveen Kumar, Asst Accounts Offcier, BHEL, Chennai is the speaker for this program.
The Dept organised One-day Career Guidance program on Internship Opportunities for MBA students on 19.04.2021. Mr. R. Partheepan, Co-founder, Knowledge Xchange, Chennai is the speaker for this program.
The Dept organised One-day Career Guidance program on Job Opportunities in Finance Sector on 24.04.2021. Mr. Ch. Narayana Reddy, Director-BFI, Hyderabad, is the speaker for this program.
The Dept organized a One-week Online Faculty Development Program on Data Analytics during 04.01.2021 to 11.01.2021. Dr. P. Sravan Kumar, Faculty, JNTUA-SMS, Ananthapur was the resource person for this FDP.
The Dept organized the following cultural programs.First year students of MBA and B.Tech participated in the events very enthusiastically.
Cultural Diversity - A program on representing different diversified cultures, on 25.02.2021.
Drawinng Competition, Representing the importance of Women on 06.03.2021
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Online Trading for the students of I year MBA from 24.02.2020 to 28.02.2020.Mr K Rajendra Prasad, Asst Prof., Dept of MBA, SREC, is the resource person for this program.
The Dept organised an Online Add-on Program on Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing for the benefit of I & II MBA Students from 20.05.2020 to 26.05.2020. Mr.Dr. P Sujendra Swami, Assoc Prof, Dept of MBA, Wesley PG College Hyderabad, is the resource person for this program.
The Dept organised a Certificate Program on Advanced HR Concepts for Career Growth for the benefit of the I & II year MBA Students from 04.06.2020 to 08.06.2020. Mr.K Kumar, HR Trainer, Life Skill Trainer Hyderabad, is the resource person for this program.
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Damodar Oil Mill, Kurnool on 24-08-2019 for the III sem students of MBA (2018Batch).
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Damodar Oil Mill, Kurnool on 23-10-2019 for the I sem students of MBA (2019Batch).
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Vijaya Milk Dairy, Nandyal on 18-03-2020 for the II sem students of MBA (2019Batch).
The Department organized a one Day Seminar on Entrepreneurship and its Scope on 25.11.2019 at seminar hall. The students from MBA - SREC were participated in the program.
The Department organized a one-day Seminar on Entrepreneurship – A Gatewayt to Success on 28.02.2020 at seminar hall. The students from MBA - SREC were participated in the program.
The Department organized one day workshop on Awareness on Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship on 04.03.2020. The students from MBA - SREC and also from other colleges were participated in the program.
Dept of MBA organised one-day National Level Management Meet SIGMA-2020 on 21.10.2020.
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program on Advance Research Analytics Using AMOSduring 02-07-2019 to 06-07-2019.
The Dept organized a one week OnlineFaculty Development Program on Emerging Challenges In Core Management from 23-05-2020 to 29-05-2020.
The following are the resource persons for this program
Ch. Narayana Reddy, Managing Director,Bright Finance Institute,Hyderabad,
Dr.P. SUJENDRA SWAMI, Associate Professor, Wesley College, Secunderabsd.
Mr. L. SREENIVAS,HR-Manager ,AV Designers and Interiors, Hyderabad
Mr. VIKAS SURENDRAN, AGM and Zonal Manager,Shriram Life Insurance
Ch. DILIP KUMAR, Area Manager for AP, Telanga, Shriram Life Insurance
The Dept organized a One week Online Faculty Development Program in association with K3 Consultancy, on HR – Analytics during 04.06.2020 to 08.06.2020. Mr. Karthikeya Kumar, MD-K3 Consultancy & HR Trainer, is the resource person of this program.
The Dept organized a One-Week Online Workshop on Capacity Building on Research Methodology during 22.06.2020 to 27.06.2020. The following are the resource persons of this program.
Dr. J. PANDU RANGA RAO:Asst Prof in the Dept. of Commerce, P.R.Govt. College, Kakinada
Dr. S. KUMARAN: Alliance School of Business, Alliance University from Bangalore
Dr. MAHESH PAVAN: Project Manager, IBM India
Dr. B. SANKAR NAIK:Asst Prof, Dept of Management Studies, Sir Visveshwaraiah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalle.
Dr. V. SEETHARAM: VIT Business School, VIT, Vellore
Dr. SHARAD T. PATIL: VIT Business School, VIT, Vellore
Dr. SRIDEVI. K. B: Professor, Sri Krishna College of Engg& Tech, Coimbatore.
Dr. SHAILESH KASANDE: CEO & Group Director of Suryadatta Group of Institutes Pune
Dr.P.MALYADRI: ICSSR Senior Fellow, Hyderabad
Dr. S. ASHOK KUMAR: Professor& Head, Department of Management Studies, Mahendra Engineering College, TamilNadu.
The Dept organized the following cultural programs.Students from various branches participated in the events very enthusiastically.
Mehandi Competition on 26.10.2019
Anthyakshari Competition on 25.10.2019
Cooking Competition on 24.12.2019
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Tally for Auditing Financial Statements for the students of II year MBA from 06.08.2018 to 10.08.2018. .
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Online Trading for the students of II year MBA from 24.09.2018 to 10.10.2018.
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Mastering Data analysis on Excel for the students of I year MBA from 15.10.2018 to 31.10.2018.
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Panyam Cement Industry, Nandyal on 20-10-2018 for the I sem students of MBA (2018Batch).
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Shivtek Industry, Kurnool on 22-02-2019 for the II sem students of MBA (2017Batch).
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Shivtek Industry, Kurnool on 23-02-2019 for the I sem students of MBA (2018Batch).
The Department organized a one-day seminar on Orientation Program On Entrepreneurship Development on 20.07.2018 at seminar hall. The students from MBA - SREC were participated in the program.
The Department organized a Program on Professional Ethics to Budding Engineers to all First Year B.Tech students of SREC on 02-08-2018.
The Department organized Two-day workshop Corporate Enterprenuership from 03.08.2018 to 04.08.2018.
The Department organized An Awareness Program on Code of Conduct to all First Year students of B.Tech & MBA of SREC on 24-08-2018.
The Department organized an awareness Program on Code of Conduct to SREC Faculty, Administrators, & Staff on 08-12-2018.
The Department organized a one Day Program on Ethics in Profession to SREC Faculty, Administrators, & Staff on 15-12-2018.
The Department of MBA organized 2-days Entrepreneurship Development Program on Enterprenuership & Regional Development from 07.01.2019 to 08.01.2019 at seminar hall. Mr.A.K.Hari Narayana, Chief Manager, Andhra Bank, Bangalore, was the Recourse person of this workshop. The students from MBA - SREC and also from other colleges were participated in the program.
The Department organized a one-day Seminar on Enhancing Entrepreneurial Mindset on 02.03.2019 at seminar hall. The students from MBA - SREC were participated in the program.
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program on Pedagogic Techniques & Teaching and Learning Methods during 11-12-2018 to 15-12-2018.
The Dept organized aOne-Week Faculty Development Program on Theory Building, Mediation, Moderation Analysis and Article writing during 07-05-2019 to 11-05-2019.
The Dept organized aone-week Faculty Development Program on E-Learning and Development of E-Content during 11-06-2019 to 15-06-2019.
A Two-day National Level Management meet “SIGMA-2K18” was organized on 25th & 26th of Oct, 2018.
The Dept organized the following cultural programs.Students from various branches participated in the events very enthusiastically.
Mehandi Competition on 06.11.2018
Anthyakshari Competition on 05.11.2018
Cooking Competition on 05.04.2019
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on E-Commerce for the students of II year MBA from 17.08.2017 to 21.08.2017.
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Logistics and Supply Chain Management for the students of II year MBA from 03.10.2017 to 20.10.2017.
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Mastering Data analysis on Excel for the students of I year MBA from 02.11.2017 to 18.11.2017.
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Vijaya Milk Diary, Nandyal on 09-08-2017 for the III sem students of MBA (2016 Batch).
Dept of MBA arranged a one-day Company visiting to Nandi Pipes, Nandyal on 21-10-2017 for the I sem students of MBA (2017 Batch).
The Department organized An Awareness Program on Code of Conduct to all First Year B.tech students of SREC on 15-07-2017.
The Department organized two days workshop program on Women Entrepreneurship - Opportunities & Challenges from 01.08.2017 to 02-08-2017. Mr.A.K. Hari Narayana, Senior Manager, Andhra Bank, Bangalore was the resource person of this workshop.
The Department organized An Ethics in profession: An Awareness Program to students to all First Year students of B.tech & MBA SREC on 01-09-2017.
One-day seminar on “Importance of Financial Education” by Dr. P.Suchitra, Asst Prof, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool on 20.09.2017.
One-day seminar on “Managing Change- from Classroom to Workplace” by Mrs. D.N. Poornima, Asst General Manager & Branch Head, IDBI Bank, Nandyal, on 27.10.2017.
The Department organized A One Day Seminar on Code of Conduct & Professional Ethics to SREC Faculty, Administrators, & Staff on 13-12-2017.
The Department organized a one-dayseminar on Entrepreneurship Education - Impact of Technology on 05.02.2018. The students from MBA - SREC and also from other colleges were participated in the program.
A one-day seminar was organised on Managing the Hi-Po Employees on 21.02.2018. Dr Aliya Sulthana, Professor & Head, Management Studies, RGNCET is the resource person.
A one-day internal Management Meet for both junios and senior students of MBA has been conducted by the department on 07.03.2018 under the Management Students’ Activities Club ‘Synergy”
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program on Research in Higher Education during 14-12-2017 to 18-12-2017.
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program on ICT-Effective use of Technology for Teaching, Learning & Evaluation during 08-05-2018 to 12-05-2018.
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program in association with Positive Psychotherapy, Hyderabadon Personal-Emotional Development and Counseling during 26-06-2018 to 30-06-2018. Mr.Balaji, Managing Director of Positive Psychotherapy is the resource persons of the program.
The Dept organized the following cultural programs.Students from various branches participated in the events very enthusiastically.
Mehandi Competition on 18.10.2017
Anthyakshari Competition on 17.10.2017
Cooking Competition on 17.03.2018
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Digital Marketing for the students of II year MBA from 25.07.2016 to 29.07.2016
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Production and Stock Management for the students of I year MBA from 01.09.2016 to 19.09.2016.
A one-day Company visiting to Vijaya Krishna Industry, Nandyal on 27-08-2016 for the III sem students of MBA (2015 Batch).
A One day seminar on "Role of Marketing in Banking" by Mr.A.K.Hari Narayana, Sr. Branch Manager, Andhra Bank, Bangalore, for III sem MBA students (2015-17 batch) on 22-07-2016.
The Department conducted A Program on Human Values & Ethics to the first year B.Tech students on 06-08-2016.
The Department organized a one day seminar on Entrepreneurship Development- Role of Indian Govt on 08.08.2016. The students from MBA - SREC were participated in the program.
A One day workshop on "Stock Broking" by Mr.G.V. Krishna Reddy, Central Manager, Reliance Securities Ltd., Hyd, for all the MBA students (2015-17 and 2016-18 batches) on 23-09-2016
The Department organized A One-day Seminar on Professional Ethics for Faculty, Administrators & Staff of SREC on 23-12-2016.
The Department organized a one-day Seminar on Rural Entrepreneurship. The students from MBA - SREC were participated in the program on 10.02.2017.
One-day seminar on “Management & Career Opportunities” by Dr. T.V. Samba Shiva Rao, Asst GM - HR and Admin, JSW Cements Ltd, Nandyal on 08/04/17.
The Dept organized a One Week Faculty Development Program on SPSS and Research Methodology during 12-06-2017 to 16-06-2017.
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Content Development during 08-05-2017 to 12-05-2017.
Dept of MBA organised 2 days National Level Management & cultural Meet SIGMA-2K16 on 28-09-2016 & 29-09-2016.
The Dept organized the following cultural programs.Students from various branches participated in the events very enthusiastically.
Mehandi Competition on 29.10.2016
Anthyakshari Competition on 28.10.2016
Cooking Competition on 29.03.2017
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Tally for Auditing Financial Statements for the students of II year MBA from 07-09-2015 to 11-09-2015.
The Dept organised an Add-On Program on Online Trading for the students of I year MBA from 02-11-2015 to 19-11.2015.
One day Industrial visit to JSW Cement on 20/12/2015
A one-day Company visiting to Vijaya Dairy, Nandyal on 09-10-2015 for the I sem-I year students of MBA (2015 Batch).
The Department organized one day Entrepreneurship Development Program on Entrepreneurship Development Opportunities for Youth on 29-08-2015. The students from MBA - SREC and also from other colleges were participated in the program.
The Department organized An Awareness Program on Code of Conduct & Professional Ethics to SREC Faculty, Administrators, & Staff, on 23-12-2015.
A One day work shop on "Corporate & Employability skills" by Mr. G. Ravindranath for all the MBA students (2014-16 and 2015-17 batches) on 29-02-2016.
A One day seminar on "Career Guidance" by Time Institute, Hyd for all the MBA students (2014-16 and 2015-17 batches) on 14-03-2016
A One day seminar on "Career Empowerment" by Vani Institute, Hyd for all the MBA students (2014-16 and 2015-17 batches) on 16-03-2016
A One day seminar on "Aptitude Shortcuts" by Mr.Anil Nair for all the MBA students (2014-16 and 2015-17 batches) on 17-03-2016
The Department organized two days workshop on Growth & Opportunities for SMEs from 18.04.2016 to 19.04.2016. The students from MBA - SREC and also from other colleges were participated in the program.
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program on HR Analytics Concepts and Applications in association with Research Stars, Madanapalli, during 28-12-2015 to 02-01-2016.
The Dept organized a One-Week Faculty Development Program on Art of Effective Teaching during 05-05-2016 to 09-05-2016.
An Internal management meet “SYNERGY” was organized on 19/03/2016.
The Dept organized the following cultural programs.Students from various branches participated in the events very enthusiastically.
Mehandi Competition on 10.11.2015
Anthyakshari Competition on 11.11.2015
Cooking Competition on 06.04.2016
The Dept organised an Add-on Program on Tally for Auditing Financial Statements for the students of II year MBA from 03-10-2014 to 08-10-2014.
Dept arranged a one-day Industrial visit to Nandi Pipes, Nandyal on 18-10-2014.
The Dept organized a one day seminar on “Indian Economic System”, by inviting Dr. Mahendra Babu Garu, Assoc., Prof., Central University, Uttarakand on 05-7-2014.
One-day Seminar on “Importance of Investments for Young Investors” on 13-12-2014 , by Dr.G. Rama Krishna Garu, SEBI Representative & MBA Coordinator, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool.
One-day seminar on Banking and Finance Sectors on 05-01-2015 by Mr. A.S.V.S. Murthy, Operations Manager, ICICI Bank, Nandyal.
One–day seminar on Insurance Marketing on 03-02-2015 by P. Sreenivas Kumar, Associate circle Head, HDFC Life, Nandyal.
One day Motivational Session to the students by Yandamuri Veerendranath 26-04-2015.
One-day FDP on Research Methodology on 20-03-2015 by Dr. K.V. Subba Reddy.
An Internal management meet “SYNERGY” was organized on 11/04/2015.
National Level Management Meet “SIGMA-2K15” held on 19/04/2015.
Upto 2013-2014
One week Add-on Course on Financial Accounting for Manager by Mr. N. Rajasekhar, M.Phil from 03/01/2010-10/01/2010.
The dept has inaugurated Management Students Activities Club “Synergy” on 11/03/2010 by K. Madduleti, Dy Manager, HDFC, Nandyal.
Organized National Level Management Meet-SIGMA-2K11 on 18/12/2011
One-day seminar on Recruitment and Selection BY Mr. Subash, HR Manager, HDFC Bank, Bangalore on 04/08/2012.
One-day seminar on Recruitment and Interview Techniques By Ms. K. Swetha, HR Recruiter, Hyderabad on 26/10/2012.
Organised refreshment programme “SPARKLES-2K13” for I year B. Tech. students on 20-04-2013.
One-day seminar on 25-04-13 on Financial Education by Dr. G. Rama Krishna Garu, SEBI Representative, MBA Co-ordinator, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool.
Internal Management Meet on behalf of Management Student Activities Club on 04-05-2013.
One-day seminar on 01-11-2013 on Interview Skills by Ch. Chaitanya Krishna, Talent Acquisition Manager, Value Labs, Hyderabad.
One-day visiting to the nearest company Vijaya Dairy, Nandyal on 23-12-2013
One-day seminar on 27-12-2013 on Journey towards Excellence by D.A.S. Babu and BalaChandrudu of FISHERS OF MEN TEAM, Hyderabad.
One-day Faculty Development Program on Innovative Teaching Methodologies on 07.01.2014 by Dr. G. Sunitha, Associate Professor, Vijayawada.
The Dept organized a one day workshop on 13-3-2014 on “Stock Broking”, Mr. G. V. Krishna Reddy, Centre Manager, Reliance Securities Ltd., was the resource person for this.
The Dept organized a one day seminar on “Personality Development”, by inviting Dr. G. V. Prasad Swamy Garu, Psychologist, Hyderabad on 13-5-2014.