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  • The following are the objectives this Cell:

  • To   promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.

  • To help women students understand their strength and potential

  • The  provision of opportunities and programs for female gender to befinancially, mentally and emotionally empowered so as to promote their   growth as individuals in their own right.

  • To conduct seminar, workshop to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available and train the women.

  • To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among young girls, scientists at the  earliest so that they can be “job givers” rather than “job takers”.

  • To  equip the female students, faculty and staff members with knowledge of      their legal rights.

  • To provide a platform for      listening to complaints and redressal of grievances.

  • To ensure personality along with      academic development of girl students.

  • To enhance the self-esteem and      self-confidence of women students, faculty and staff in the college.

  • To develop critical thinking      ability of women students such that it enhances      decision-making   ability.

  • To enable the College community understand the role of everyone in empowering women students


  • Ever since the inception of the committee, WEC as a team has been striving to promote awareness among girl students and educate them on gender specific issues in the areas such as health, legal, career and social. To realize the above mentioned objectives, the committee with its members strives:

  • To review various schemes & programs of the Institute and to ensure the possibility in the aspect of women's development.

  • To promote all round development of women faculty, staff and students of the college.

  • To receive complaints, if any, from the lady staff and lady students who have been subject to sexual harassment and to enquire into such complaints and establish the facts.

  • To keep all records intact and in proper order of the complaints received.

  • To keep an elaborate process document of each such case describing the methods adopted and the settlement reached in solving the problem.

  • To conduct a survey within the college and collect suggestions/ recommendations from women on issues concerning them.

  • To periodically organize guest lecturers in the concerned areas such as health, legal, career and social aspects.

  • To monitor and counsel girl students.

  • To conduct competitions such as presentations, elocution, essay writing and painting to encourage girl students to  express their ideas.

  • Above all, to ensure a secure and progressive learning environment for the girl students.

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