To maintain & enforce strict discipline in the college campus.
To enforce strict dress code among students.
To Maintain online/ offline submission of students Grievances. Periodical submission of reported Grievances in AICTE online portal, if any.
To organize awareness among the students and collecting the undertakings.
Maintaining atleast 2 boxes to register/drop the complaints regarding Ragging / Suggestions etc., at the various places in the college premises.
Verifying the complaints registered/dropped in the above said box in the committee meetings, and enquiring the situation mentioned in the complaint and recommending the resolutions.
To review the suggestions/complaints raised by the students during periodical counseling.
To collect and review the outgoing students feedback.
To examine / inquire and recommend punishments / remedial measure in the cases of:
Malpractices in examinations
Loitering around in the corridors during the College working hours
Indiscipline in the college campus and hostel premises
Complaints of ragging
Complaints of eve-teasing and harassment of weaker sections.
Grievances raised by the students.
Any other activity that may damage the discipline and harmony of the college.