Department Classrooms
Department Labs
The laboratories are the backbone of engineering course of study, the Laboratory instruction develops students' experimental skills, ability to work in teams and communicate effectively, learn from failure, and be responsible for their own results. We have the following laboratories with full-fledged faculties.
Electrical Circuits & Simulation Laboratory
The Electrical Circuit & Simulation laboratory was installed in the year of May – 2008 the objective of this laboratory is to important hands on experience in verification of circuit law and theorems, measurement of circuit parameters, study of circuit characteristics using MATLAB. It also gives practical exposure to the usage of different circuits with a different condition.

Electrical Machines - I Laboratory
Electrical Machines – I laboratory was installed in the year of Sep-2008. The main objectives of this laboratory are to expose the students to the operation of DC Machines give them an experimental skill. It aims to understand the generation of DC Voltages by using different types of generators and also study the performance of motors. It enables the students to understand the working principles of electrical machines and their characteristics.

Electrical Machines - II Laboratory
Electrical Machines –II laboratory was installed in the year of June – 2009. The main objectives of this laboratory are to expose the students to the operation AC Machines and Transformers to provide the practical experience and experimental skills. The aim is to understand the control of speed and torque of the AC Machines with variable types of motors and study their performance. It provides ability to the students to understand the working principles of electrical machines and their characteristics in practical manner.

Control Systems & Simulation Laboratory
The control system and Simulation laboratory was installed in the year of June – 2009, the objective of this laboratory is to enable the students to strengthen their understanding of the design and analysis of control systems through practical exercises. This will be accomplished by using modern software resources to analyse and simulate the performance of realistic system models and to design control systems to satisfy various performance specifications. Students will learn how to implement various types of compensators and control algorithms using MATLAB and Simulink.

Power Electronics & Simulation Laboratory
The Power Electronics & Simulation laboratory was installed in the year of June – 2009, the important objective of this laboratory is to study the characteristics of switching devices and its applications in rectifier inverter, chopper, and resonant converter. It also introduces the application of electronic devices for conversion, control conditioning of electric power. Further, it helps the students to get an overview of different type's semiconductor devices and their switching characteristics and operation.

Electrical Measurements Laboratory
The Electrical Measurements Laboratory was installed in the year of June – 2010, the course objective of Electrical Measurements laboratory is to study the students about to measuring the Resistance, Inductance, and Capacitance of different ranges. It also gives the calibration various measuring instruments using in electrical systems. It gives the enhance knowledge about the industrial practices of measuring earth Resistance, the dielectric strength of transformer oil and testing of underground cables.

Power Systems & Simulation Laboratory
The Power system and simulation lab was installed in the department of EEE in the year of May-2015. The learning objective of this laboratory is to study the student about the determination of fault currents under different types of faults condition like LG, LLG, LLL, LLLG and LL. Determination of sub-transient reactance of generators. It is also To determine Y-bus and Z-bus of a system which is used for power flow analysis like determination of unknown quantities at the respective buses in the system, losses in the lines connected between the buses in the system and total losses in the system by using GS method, NR method, D method and FD method with the help of the MATLAB